RHM Voice Prompts and On-Hold Marketing

Professionally recorded welcome messages, menu prompts and on-hold messaging.

Your phone system is a key customer interface, but does it create a good impression?

A great caller experience starts with professionally recorded welcome messages, menus and music on hold, especially as callers to SMEs spend about 20% of the call time listening to them! RHM’s Voice Prompts and Marketing On Hold service makes your phone system sound great and work for you and your customers.

Need to promote a new product or service? Or share a new deal or promotion with callers? With RHM, it couldn’t be easier to get custom, quick, professional recordings. Check out the video to find out more.

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More than hold music

RHM Voice Prompts & Marketing on Hold provides so much more than just recordings! It includes all you need to go from just hold music to a powerful on-hold marketing solution that will upsell your products and services and re-enforce brand values to your callers.

What’s included?

  • Instantly scripted messages provided by the power of AI
  • 10,000+ inspirational on-hold marketing messages
  • 300+ voice artists to record your bespoke messages, and AI voices for instant recordings
  • 50 languages and dialects
  • 10 radio-quality playlists, regularly updated, to keep the caller experience fresh
  • 1 simple web portal to order bespoke recordings and schedule when they should play

Find out more

Contact us today to add RHM Voice Prompts & Marketing on Hold to your service.

You can visit our on-hold marketing portal here: https://rhmtelecom.pvsite.com/Identity/Account/Login

Just request a log in via orders@rhmtelecom.com

© rhm telecommunications 2024