
Today most businesses have dynamic workforces that require communication tools regardless of location. Not all staff work in the office, some work from home whilst others are choose a hybrid approach. Ensuring staff can communicate effectively with each other from various locations is essential.

Mobile phones or smart devices have become increasingly important for business efficiency and flexibility. We’ve developed a range of solutions to help businesses communicate securely on the go, offering wrap-around business mobile services, with everything from the latest handsets to mobile security and device management.

A wrap-around approach to business mobile

RHM’s mobile management support

The business mobile sector is evolving at a rapid pace. Every business needs to be aware of all mobile devices with access to their corporate networks, whether they are company owned or belong to employees as part of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scheme.

We support multiple devices and give you a central management platform that accommodates multiple ownership across secure mobile devices including installation, configuration, training, support, upgrades and insurance. We also recycle of any outdated and redundant hardware when no longer required.

RHM’s mobile management support

Here at RHM, we offer market-leading handsets and AI features, providing customers latest mobile handsets.

Whether you’re looking for advanced AI tools such as ‘Circle and search’ or the top-of-the-range camera, we provide everything from Motorola to Samsung to iPhone.

Business mobile device management

RHM offer a managed MDM solution through IBM’s Maas360.

With so much data now accessed via corporate mobiles including sensitive email, businesses really have to think about their security policies. Cybercrime is on the increase with hackers becoming even more creative. If you then layer on the compliance environment with GDPR regulation last year, corporate mobiles or BYOD pose a real risk to business.

RHM can help businesses reduce this exposure from as little as £2.00 per device per month with its Maas360 device management packages. Our MDM capabilities enable IT teams to secure and manage mobile devices across multiple operating systems, providing secure corporate email, automatic device configuration, certificate-based security, selective remote wipe of enterprise data for both corporate and user-owned devices, and geolocation for employee safety (great for roaming employees!)

IBM’s MaaS360, solution, enables Corporate IT departments to manage, support and secure company and employee-owned devices, using leading-edge technology.

Business mobile security

With many security features built in, mobiles devices come with a base level of protection, but you need more than the basics to stay secure.

Anti-virus & malware protection for your mobile

With many security features built in, mobiles devices come with a base level of protection, but you need more than the basics to stay secure. Anti-virus software

protects mobile devices from malware, even across iPhones. Here at RHM, we use Microsoft Defender anti-virus protection, priced affordably per device.

VPN for secure mobile connectivity

What is A VPN and why do you need one? A Virtual Private Network encrypts your internet connection, providing secure and private access to online resources by masking your IP address and routing your traffic through a secure server.

A VPN is essential to protect business communications, especially when employees use public Wi-Fi. We offer VPN services for all our business mobile customers, just get in touch to get started.

Giving you network choice

RHM are approved Business Partners with all four major UK Mobile providers; O2, Vodafone, EE and Three Networks. In addition, we provide connectivity to all networks via a single roaming sim solution, allowing mobiles to automatically search and select the strongest signal in any given location. This means we can supply and support the right carrier for you, depending on the coverage in your location, or indeed a mix and match of carriers all through a single supply arrangement.


All solutions are billed directly by RHM in a single, easy to understand monthly statement, with on-line web access to a wide range of reporting criteria to help manage your mobile estate in a controlled and cost-effective manner.

Our Other Services

Phone Systems




Mobile packages

RHM has access to all major UK networks and has the ability to pull together packages to suit your business needs and profile. We can either give you access to the standard tariffs available from the carriers but billed and supported by RHM, or we can design you a bespoke tariff using your own billing system.

If you have challenging coverage issues, we can even give you the abillity to mix and match carriers, all billed and supported by us via our helpdesk team.

In terms of devices RHM has set up a number of key trade accounts with SIM free hardware providers. This enables you to leverage our trade discounts and choose from virtually any mobile device on the market, from mobile phone to smart phone to tablet. In addition we support all operating systems from Android to IOS to Windows and Blackberry.

SMS solutions and virtual mobile numbers

Did you know 98% of SMS messages are opened and read?

Text messaging is a well-established medium for business-to-business and business-to-consumer communication. Not only is it a proven marketing tool, it’s time efficient compared to making phone calls or sending costly mailings.

We can provide SMS management, delivery and receipt through a web-based application, email gateway, Software API or hosted SMS relay services.

SMS Web Gateway integrates with your existing applications to enable the sending of SMS messages over the internet. Messages can be sent directly from any web browser via any web-enabled device. The Gateway automatically routes messages to mobile phone networks and supports media conversion from email and other formats.

© rhm telecommunications 2025